A world of claustrophobic, mysterious, puzzle-riddled, dangerous mazes where, surrounded by countless enemies, you hunt the Evil Masters down with the purpose of eliminating them and the pain they brought. Determination, concentration and quick reflexes will be your only allies in your desperate mission.
With BOH the fun never ends: new missions and themes can be added anytime and you can even create your own!
BOH has been created with lots of passion and care to offer, with its oldschool style, a fascinatingly different gaming experience.

· immersive & thrilling gameplay · 40 missions + 10 secret missions to unlock · missions divided in 5 levels of difficulty · multi-phase missions · multi-floor battlefields of any size/shape · mind-blowing puzzles and deadly traps · many and varied power-ups · several different kinds of enemies · hand-pixelled 2D graphics · real-time field of vision and lighting · atmospheric audio and rich soundtrack · 7 themes · online world standings · possibility of creating missions and themes · Danish, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Spanish and Swedish translations
BOH runs natively on AmigaOS, AROS, Linux, MacOS and Windows. It comes as a shrink-wrapped DVD box containing a pressed CD-ROM1 and a 24-page color printed English manual, or as a downloadable ISO image2.

1. Contains the AmigaOS and Windows versions, but can be used to install also any other version thanks to the updates.
2. Contains the latest versions for all the supported systems.
MINIMUM: 500 MHz 32-bit CPU · 32-bit graphics card · 16-bit sound card · 16 MB RAM · 20 MB disk space · web hosting reviews · AmigaOS 4.0 / AROS (x86 CPU) / Linux (x86 CPU, SDL 1.2, SDL_mixer 1.2, SDL_net 1.2) / MacOS X 10.4 / Windows XP; RECOMMENDED: 800+ MHz CPU · joypad · internet connection